Research Directions and Interests

Evolutionary Computation

The development of algorithms inspired by biological evolution to solve computational problems


The study of methods to optimize the performance of machine learning models

Active Learning

Prioritizing data labelling to optimize the training of supervised models

Deep Learning

Algorithms inspired by the structure and function of the brain referred to as artificial neural networks

Reinforcement Learning

Enabling an agent to learn by trial and error using feedback from actions and experiences

Natural Language

A field that gives machines the ability to read, understand and derive meaning from human language

Time Series

The use of machine learning methods in a manner that seeks to predict future value

Graphics & Visualization

Generating graphics with the aid of machine learning

Techniques and Models

Artificial Intelligence

  1. Supervised Learning
  2. Unsupervised Learning
  3. Transfer Learning

Deep Learning Models

  1. Neural Network (MLP, FLNN, SONIA, ELM, RBFN, CFNN, ANFIS, Hopfield)
  2. Deep Neural Network (DNN, CFNN)
  3. Recurrent-based Network (RNN, GRU, LSTM, CNN)

Optimization Branches

  1. Meta-heuristic Algorithms (Approximation algorithms, Nature-inspired computing, soft-computing)
  2. Multi-objective Optimization
  3. Convex programming (Linear programming)
  4. Combinatorial Optimization
  5. Robust Optimization

Natural Language Processing

  1. Word Segmentation
  2. Part-of-speech tagging
  3. Stemming and Parsing
  4. Named entity recognition
  5. Sentiment analysis


  1. Benchmark functions optimization
  2. Engineering applications
  3. Log template generation for large-scale system
  4. Resources consumption management (decision making system)
  5. Time-series prediction (i.e, hydrology related such as inflow, streamflow, groundwater level forecasting)

My Previous Mentors

Prof. Kensuke Fukuda

Dr. Satoru Kobayashi

Dr. Daniel Stolfi Rosso

My Current Mentors

Current Collaborative Scholars

Artificial Intelligence Independent Research Group (AIIR Group)